Carpet Cleaning

Residential & Commercial
For residential and most commercial cleaning we use a hot water extraction method, the method the major carpet mills and EPA officials recommend as best in terms of cleaning for appearance as well as health. This process involves dissolving carpet soils and whisking them out of the carpets and out of your home! Carpets will be left "peachy" clean without dirt-attracting residues and won't shrink or be damaged in any way by our powerful yet gentle method. You'll be amazed at the soil we can remove. Soil that you didn't even know was there!
Commercial Carpet Cleaning
For commercial applications where accessibility or quick drying time is needed, we use Low Moisture Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning technology. This is a low moisture encapsulation carpet cleaning and maintenance system primarily designed for commercial carpets that are being maintained on a regular schedule. The cleaning solution usually combines a crystallizing non-resolving cleaning agent with an encapsulating advanced soil redeposit prevention agent. In some products, the encapsulation technology prevents dislodged and dissolved soil from reattaching itself to the carpet fiber while the solution is drying, and then holds it in suspension for subsequent removal with vacuuming. Some encapsulation technologies make the suspended soil heavier for easier removal with vacuuming. In some products, the cleaning performance of the solution is enhanced by a special surfactant combination specifically designed for carpet cleaning